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Back to nature, back to origin.

Manifestation/campaign for money I LOVE NATURA 2020

What is manifestation/campaign for money with huge donations I LOVE NATURA 2020, we can watch only in movies, which show only things that we want to see, but not obvious facts.

Students of the economy of ethics of virtue believe, that the teaching about wisdom Gnothi seauton (who, what we are) means the jackpot, which we have to buy a lottery ticket I LOVE NATURA 2020 for. They bet on imagination (ability to imagine, dream), which is a ticket to enter the world of emotional intelligence. If we do not invest in ourselves and we do not buy a ticket, we do not have a chance to hit the jackpot. We buy the movie of our lifetime by means of health.

A good emotional health is the key to dynamics of life. Biological clock moves on. We set dynamics with investment/strategy. We are not professionals, who would live from wisdom, which is priceless, the highest honour of honorary/consecrated people, and therefore we express gratitude for our gifts and talents, which we use for benefit of others in exchange for payment/reward/credo (honour, glory, praise). If we make our homework – maturity exam in resounding – now, this knowledge will be useful later, when we will need it. Just this category/component/virtue is decisive and makes a difference, because you are aware, what you know and what would happen, if you would not experience the journey Gnothi seauton.

However, a strategy of achieving best results Gnothi seauton (knowing yourself) you can experience like a movie on the stage of gratitude Natura 2020. On that stage you get together with people, who inspire you and believe in yourself. They praise your nobleness which has infinite potential – everything is love.

By only one word of gratitude/love/wisdom we sustainably awaken you and push you even closer to your goal/mission/potential/maximum/minimum. To your realising prophecy. We are simply the people who believe in you, who risk/trust. We respect our responsibilities and promises, although such steps were not possible a few months ago. We are the change.

The essence of the strategy of innovating value Gnothi seauton (who, what we are) is not only significantly improved knowing yourself, but also awakening of imagination (ability to imagine, dream in a real time), which is crucial for manifestation of money and the strategy of achieving best results.

We attract/harvest, what we sow/think/dream/plough. If we break new ground in a field of love, we will fulfil a strategy all for one, one for all – everything is one love.

The point is experience of uniqueness and at the same time a challenge, how to repeat the great RRD experiential breakthrough. The most advanced smart phone is not the only thing which matters. There are also local legends, which are cherries on the cake of strategy of achieving best results.

Let's look at experiential transformation – my 40 crucial/decisive years of early sowing, which milestones are worked out through exploration Gnothi seauton –, which made possible a delayed harvest:

  • 1982 – president of a local youth organisation, moving abroad, declining career and leaving a comfort zone;
  • 986 – moral and material bankruptcy, brother killed by lightning, crisis of sense, freezing;
  • 1994 – private explorer by the Ministry of science and technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the first mayoral elections in the municipality of Ruše;
  • 1997 – the first presidential elections in Slovenia;
  • 2000 – mother's death and parliamentary elections;
  • 2010 – mayoral elections in the municipality of Ruše;
  • 2012 – publishing the first book and presidential elections;
  • 2013 – eviction and founding of the Society;
  • • 2015 – the first surgery under general anaesthesia;
  • 2016 – litigation;
  • 2017 – suit against the state and taking legal capacity;
  • 2022 – return to initial comfort state/zone.

The last period of seven lean cows was marked by five surgeries under general anaesthesia in one year (2015–2016). I still feel consequences of the crime against health. A shock is permanent. Medication does not exist. However, my astrological sign is Taurus, and therefore I do everything to attract attention of others by highligting subjective examples, personal troubles. I present a problem, because I believe, that the example of Taurus is the most relevant in the world. Taurus periods are everywhere socially percieved as the golden salvation, as something, what is more important than everything, what happens to others. I am not prepared to make compromises, what is a reason that I am single and oriented only to my own dreams/goals.

Experiential learning/exploring/discovering begins by awakening imagination, discovering new things. Self-confirmation of a sound self-confidence is not an easy task. We need a deep breath, that our soul exhales a unique voice/sound/self, which moves from a frozen/cold self to unfrozen/warm/safe state/home/self.

Investment in yourself – each repayment/test counts – is a precondition, that investment results in extremely good luck/idea/line/event.

Initially, supporters ask themselves, whether you are really capable to resist/contribute/compete/help. The basic question of the maturity exam Gnothi seauton is, whether a student is able to manage time efficiently instead of being a slave of dull time/money. If s/he would give something, s/he would give his/her time, as well as his/her biological clock, a heart full of love.

Our behaviour is in accordance with character/personality, when it is:

  • rational in reorganisation of behavioural pattern,
  • resounding in restructuring a comform zone, as well as
  • innovative in optimisation of behaviour.

A behavioural pattern of personality (masculinity-rationality, femininity-resounding, childness-intuitivity) gets stabilised on the wide time horizon. Our time horizon is infinity, what we frequently ignore. We have to fulfil three character principles of ethics of virtue, as follow:

  • sue tempore (in the right place at the right time),
  • sectio aurea (golden section of infinity),
  • studium generale (necessary and sufficient integrity).

Inspite of Taurus stubbornness, or maybe just because of it, I successfully passed the test Gnothi seauton. It is easy to take your own personality to pieces and lose character, which dissolves at the time of facing the truth during initial maturity shock/exam of strong/healthy personality. The voice of face/self falls silent, because it does not understand duty (masculinity, femininity, childness), the sound of silence/light/self freezes journey/frequency. It is hard to compose a happy ending movie, i.e. a movie with epic end, which would enthral the whole world, not only viewers in your home country.

Investment in yourself – each repayment/test counts – is a precondition, that investment results in extremely good luck/idea/line/event.

Initially, supporters ask themselves, whether you are really capable to resist/contribute/compete/help. The basic question of the maturity exam Gnothi seauton is, whether a student is able to manage time efficiently instead of being a slave of dull time/money. If s/he would give something, s/he would give his/her time, as well as his/her biological clock, a heart full of love.

For efficient manifestation of money we need time. Money likes speed, thus we have to accelerate reaching (entrance/exit) threshold of rentability at our own settings. 40 years of natural intelligence passed. It is time for me to start earning/manifesting money by means of artificial intelligence. Everything is one single love/manifestation. I like money. I like earning money like everyone else. However, I feel healthier, when I can share love/money. My motto is: a little is much. I set the limit.

We raise money for a noble purpose. The campaign NATURA 2020 – back to nature, back to origin is designed for generations Y and Z, because it follows the teaching about wisdom Gnothi seauton (who, what we are). We invoke money of investors by retrograde insight. Nobody can resist recall learning. It is a magnet, which attracts/manifests money. After maturity battle Gnothi seauton ending we will all become generals/winners/stars.

Become an example, become a partner. Contribute a dreamy donation I LOVE NATURA 2020 at one of our events, which include:

  • Strategic business conference NATURA 2020 FOR A CLEAN PLANET AND GOOD PURPOSE,
  • ECONOMIC FORUM NATURA 2020, as well as

Contribute NOW/HERE!