Ruše, 21 December 2022
Ruše is a Celtic settlement. Ruše is a healthy town. Ruše is a child-friendly Unicef town. Ruše is an elderly-friendly town. The town of Ruše has 400 million years old mountain creek Lobnica, the humming pearl of the Pohorje mountainside, which flows through the virgin forest Šumik. This is the oldest watercourse in the world and a part of the water circle Black lake–Black Sea.
We document exploration of the water circle Black lake–Black Sea by taking photographs and making videoclips. We are oriented to promotion of boutique tourism at home and abroad. For performing fair events and field work we need quality equipment, which is of crucial importance. We target (documentary) movie tourism. Our ideal client is a Hollywood star Keanu Reeves, a guardian of nature and proponent of ethics of virtue. For a purpose of meeting/cooperating serves the author teaching about wisdom Gnothi seauton (who, what we are). History teaches us, that a human nature of charitableness and nobleness supports us. The town of Ruše had the first secondary school in Slovenian part of Styria. We learn from natural wisdom, which is accessible to all noble people.
Ruše is a Celtic settlement. Ruše is a healthy town. Ruše is a child-friendly Unicef town. Ruše is an elderly-friendly town. The town of Ruše has 400 million years old mountain creek Lobnica, the humming pearl of the Pohorje mountainside, which flows through the virgin forest Šumik. This is the oldest watercourse in the world and a part of the water circle Black lake–Black Sea.
We document exploration of the water circle Black lake–Black Sea by taking photographs and making videoclips. We are oriented to promotion of boutique tourism at home and abroad. For performing fair events and field work we need quality equipment, which is of crucial importance. We target (documentary) movie tourism. Our ideal client is a Hollywood star Keanu Reeves, a guardian of nature and proponent of ethics of virtue. For a purpose of meeting/cooperating serves the author teaching about wisdom Gnothi seauton (who, what we are). History teaches us, that a human nature of charitableness and nobleness supports us. The town of Ruše had the first secondary school in Slovenian part of Styria. We learn from natural wisdom, which is accessible to all noble people.
The shortest day and the longest night is a milestone moment, which presented the only real and natural beginning of the new year for our ancestors. The Celts call the winter solstice day Yule/Jul, what means circle/wheel. The mystical wheel of nature stops for a moment of eternity. The cycle of late harvest freezes. Begins the cycle of regeneration/awakening, which is fueled by a new birth of life in the circle of infinity. In the evening of the winter solstice day we use poetry and music to connect ourselves to our inner wisdom, which we bet on. It is time of knowledge, intuition and inner insights. The mysteries of life are explored. Pre-conscious changes to conscious. Darkness to light. Weakness to strength. We realize, who, what we are. So, on a basis of conscious reflexion we prepare a path of kindness, mercy. Raising donations is an ancient ritual, a celebration of gratitude and joy. Snowflakes create magic dancing moments. For winter field exploring in the virgin forest Šumik we need a special vehicle, which reliably serves to us during harsh winter. We need quality RRD equipment, that photographs, documentary films and videoclips will warm our hearts, which are cold in their attitude to nature. All these acts have a deeper meaning. They connect. We are heard and seen. We are in a touch with nature, as well as in a contact with people. We creatively culturally sound out the town. In the town we bet on wisdom, the active power of connecting/awakening.
Charity festival is a holiday, intended for celebration of merry December, which is the time of giving presents and performing a raffle, what already starts at the end of November. We have to share happiness. In realisation of this intention generously helps us a company DM Slovenija. They provided 1,000 rich practical prizes for the raffle. Every raffle ticket wins a prize. Price of a raffle ticket is a symbolic one. We raise donations in cooperation with societies PG Ruše and KORK Ruše. Stalls stand free of charge. Follow us on social media. We share incomes. We help to each other. We support each other by connecting.
A purpose of the festival is raising donations. In this way people show their responsibility to sustainability and boutique tourism. We can not imagine better contribution to humankind and child-friendly Unicef town of Ruše. Entering a new year should be nobly coloured.
The summit of annual tourist tributes to technical heritage of freight transport is a holiday of the legendary locomotive TDR MICA, which we celebrate on 21 December, the winter solstice day(
This event is not competition in brainstorming or searching for prestige. Its purpose is awakening according to donating skills. The aim of annual and December charity is recreation, socialising and active spending a day in our healthy, child-friendly Unicef town of Ruše.
We wish you merry, healthy and successful New Year 2023!
Team Natura 2020